Upcoming Event:

FS300:Effectively Navigating Business Aviation Accident Investigations & FS303: Navigating the Aftermath: Security Events and Travel Emergencies April 8-10, 2025 | Annapolis, Maryland

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Modern Emergency Response. Handled.

Fireside is your reliable partner standing by you when it matters most. We are an emergency response company that proactively prepares you and provides support and guidance during critical times.

Our in-house team is trained to identify and respond to emergencies as they unfold, providing the necessary resources and tools to help you manage and recover from accidents, incidents, and crises. Thoughtful support that prioritizes people first.

Services and Support

From on-site, 24/7 response to coordination of emergency communications, we compassionately guide companies and individuals throughout an event.

Emergency Response Program

We work with companies and teams to proactively enhance crisis-decision skills and company emergency preparedness.

Expertise and Specialty Areas


Answer the needs of companies, employees and families of those impacted by aviation disasters.

airplane on tarmac


Respond quickly to provide care in the aftermath of transportation accidents or emergencies.

boat driving in ocean

Workplace/Family Office

Engage response professionals to provide strategic, compassionate care during an accident or security event. Offer peace of mind to protect people and properties.

glasses and laptop on desk in a workplace

Natural Disasters

Fireside’s Emergency Operations Center monitors international weather emergencies and is able to assist with logistics and family assistance.

aerial view of hurricane

Train to Take Tactical Action

Using our first-hand knowledge and experience, Fireside’s Training Center trains your team to manage crises confidently.

fireside employee providing training